Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

First pass:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water circle round,
This blessed consecrated ground.”

Second pass:
East, south, west, north;
Seal this space, bring power forth.”

Third pass:
By the power of the witches’ blade,
This ground is sealed, the circle made.”

 “Disperse all energies
 To their rightful place;
  With appreciation,
 Love, and      grace.Open now this sacred space.”  
   North: Earth
  Set a green candle at the north gate, the gate of Earth. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or    index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Earth in the space above this      candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the North,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Earth,
  To my magic give birth.”

  East: Air
  Set a yellow candle at the east gate, the gate of Air. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index   finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Air in the space above this candle say:

   “Watchtowers of the East,
    I summon you now
   To this sacred place.
   Guard this circle
   Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Air
  Bring magic to bare.”

  South: Fire
  Set a red candle at the south gate, the gate of Fire. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index   finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Fire in the space above this candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the South,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Fire,
  My magic inspire.”

  West: Water
  Set a blue candle at the west gate, the gate of Water. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or   index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Water in the space above this    candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the West,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Water will be
  Energy to set my magic free.”

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