Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

 Την συνάντησε και η  καθώς προχώρησε προς το μέρος της , η όψη της  δεν τον αναστάτωσε καθόλου.Ένα ελάχιστο μέρος του εαυτού του παρέμενε ανθρώπινο.Η απουσία ερωτικού σκιρτήματος τον καθησύχασε.'Επιασε το παγωμένο  της χέρι και το άτονο της βλέμμα έκανε  το κρύο μέταλλο  που είχε μέσα του να βγαίνει από το οστό και να του σκίζει τον αστράγαλο.
Της χαμογέλασε απορημένος.Όσο εκείνος μετατρεπόταν σε ρομπότ,εκείνη άλλαζε σε άγαλμα.Πίεσε το μαρμαρένιο της πρόσωπο.


                             And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
                       On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
                           And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
                        And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
                   And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
                     Shall be lifted—nevermore!

Angels and mortals

— Daniel Saint:

First pass:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water circle round,
This blessed consecrated ground.”

Second pass:
East, south, west, north;
Seal this space, bring power forth.”

Third pass:
By the power of the witches’ blade,
This ground is sealed, the circle made.”

 “Disperse all energies
 To their rightful place;
  With appreciation,
 Love, and      grace.Open now this sacred space.”  
   North: Earth
  Set a green candle at the north gate, the gate of Earth. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or    index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Earth in the space above this      candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the North,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Earth,
  To my magic give birth.”

  East: Air
  Set a yellow candle at the east gate, the gate of Air. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index   finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Air in the space above this candle say:

   “Watchtowers of the East,
    I summon you now
   To this sacred place.
   Guard this circle
   Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Air
  Bring magic to bare.”

  South: Fire
  Set a red candle at the south gate, the gate of Fire. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or index   finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Fire in the space above this candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the South,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Fire,
  My magic inspire.”

  West: Water
  Set a blue candle at the west gate, the gate of Water. Light this candle, raise your athame/wand/or   index finger in the air, and while drawing the invoking pentagram of Water in the space above this    candle say:

  “Watchtowers of the West,
  I summon you now
  To this sacred place.
  Guard this circle
  Outside of time and space.
  By the powers of Water will be
  Energy to set my magic free.”

North and south

Alice is grown up, so is her rabbit

Monday he loves me.
Tuesday wants to hit me.
How sweet !Wednesday  hides from me.
Thursday a cup of tea
Friday after sex , i must decide
Saturday  if i want to spend my life with
or Sunday make that rabbit supper -  
 want him to die

We only come out at night

We only come out at night:

.............when your eyes become darker
               seeking for the white
Wake up suddenly
                  no dreams, no mirrors.
Looking with dissapointment the closed wondows.
Don't afraid anymore of their mirrors.
Hear the distance wall-clock tick tack tick tack.

tick tack tick tack tick tick...... tick.....tack............tick.....Iam coming